Workamping Jobs for Couples: The Ultimate Guide to Working as a Couple
You do a lot with your significant other, but did you know you could utilize your strengths working as a couple to make money while you travel! They always say two heads are better than one and RV jobs for couples are the best example of that! Work camping jobs, for couples, are an excellent way to see the country while saving money and earning an income. So, stay tuned for Workamping Jobs for Couples: The Ultimate Guide to Working as a Couple.
Workamping is the art of working while you camp. Offering your skills to a campground or resort while they offer you a place to stay and sometimes even a paycheck. Check out The Ultimate Guide to: Workamping for RVers for more information on what workamping actually is and Types of Campground Workamping Jobs for all the different ways you can workamp.
But the cool thing about workamping is that it is often designed to be ideal for both working couples and the campgrounds that hire working couples. Work camping as a couple offers campgrounds the option of having two campers for the price of one site. As workamping couples often live together, they will not be needing more than one RV spot, however, they will be offering more than one set of skills.
Having jobs for traveling couples is the only way many campgrounds are able to employ their parks. Working couples are a campground’s secret weapon against busy summer seasons or maintaining winter facilities, and there is a huge list of parks and campgrounds that hire workamping couples. This makes campsite jobs for couples an easy gig to get into! Camping jobs for couples are actually a pretty popular thing in the RV community. It’s not every day you find a job that wants you to bring your partner along. So, having your honey as a fellow employee is a special perk to working as a couple.

Workamping as a couple means you are working together and traveling together. It’s a win-win.
Work camping jobs for couples are often going to be in the form of a campground caretaker. Jobs like this require you to work together to make sure the parks are running smoothly. Sharing the workload, work camping couples are often asked to check guests in or clean up after guest departure. As a campground host, you may also be asked to secure the area or enforce the rules. Campground caretaker jobs for couples are often done on a volunteer basis with your site included in your contract.
Campground caretaker jobs, for couples, mean you can equally split the work between you or decide who gets to do what instead of one person having to take on the tasks themselves. For more details on what it means to be a Campground Host check out Camp Hosting: How to Become a Campground Host.
Working as a couple at bigger resorts often means you will be asked to provide a certain skill or be hired to perform different campground jobs. For couples, the cool thing about workamping jobs at an RV resort or campground is that you get a chance to choose a position that works better for each of you. One can help with maintenance around the park while the other can answer calls and make reservations. Or you can flip flop. Work camping jobs as a couple means you can work together with whatever skills each of you has.

Things to Know When Looking for Campground Jobs for Couples
- If you’re working as a couple, just know you’re in luck when it comes to finding campground jobs for couples are a very popular option for most campgrounds. Hiring working couples allows them a great deal of bang for their buck.
- Make sure you’re both satisfied with the campground jobs. For couples, most workamping positions will require each person to do a certain duty. For example, one of you may be hired to do landscaping while the other will be hired as a housekeeper. While it doesn’t matter who has which skill in your work camping duo, it just means you should pay attention to what you’re actually being asked to do. Camp Hosting jobs for couples will provide a lot more workload sharing as working couples are often hired on a volunteer basis. But once you enter the RV resort world, a lot of jobs for couples are corporately managed and will require each person have a designated position.
- Most places will ask you to apply separately, but also together…? Confusing but basically be prepared to carry your own skills as a working couple. While it’s a good idea to represent yourselves together, sharing a collective interest in the RV jobs, for couples, you will still need a separate resume for most campground positions. For couples, it’s important to be prepared to represent yourself both together and individually.

Tips and Tricks for Work Camping Jobs for Couples
- Make sure workamping as a couple is actually what you want to do. You will be working closely with your partner in crime, especially when you are sharing duties as a campground caretaker. Jobs for working couples can be intense for some who use work as a chance to get a little break from their amore. No shame in that. But workamping together may bring work home and home to work. So, keep that in mind when you begin your working couple journey. For some free websites to use to start looking for work camping jobs for couples, check out Workamping Jobs [FREE Websites].
- Get a good portfolio together so that you are ready for any position that comes along that fits your style. Having a solid idea of each of your skills and the ability to promote that to campgrounds hiring working couples is essential. There are a lot of workamping positions for couples out there but there are just as many workamping couples out there too. Having a way to establish each of your unique skills is always a good idea.
- Use your skills together to create a great work camping pair. You navigate life together on many different occasions. You’re a team and you can use your knowledge of each other to become a perfect fit for a multitude of jobs! For traveling couples and for the campground hiring workcampers, it’s truly a beneficial relationship.
- If you haven’t lived in a tiny space together as a couple yet, it’s best to have that knowledge before you also share jobs. For working couples, you are bringing your significant other to work with you (in most working couple situations). If you also have to go home to them where the space has all of the sudden shrank to the size of a school bus, you may not always be prepared for that shift. Make sure you and your partner are ready to fully snuggle in and do the full-time life.
- Get a game plan in mind for what compensation will be beneficial to you working as a couple. No two compensation packages are alike which means you’ll need to get an idea of what you will and won’t accept. For tips on how to get the perfect plan check out Know Your Stuff & How to Negotiate Workamping Positions.

Pros of Campsite Jobs for Couples
Pro: You get to work with your partner! How cool is that? You get to utilize your strengths as a working couple to make money on the road. It can be like summer camp, getting to run around with your significant other, solving campground mysteries, and making sure everything is running smoothly. It’s a great opportunity to explore with your person and save money while doing so!
Pro: It can also mean getting closer as a pair. Some workamping jobs for couples require you to work together to support the camp. Campground Hosting is often meant for shared duties so as a campground host workamping couple, you will be relying on each other to get the job done. It can be very connecting to watch your skills as a working couple come together to create an awesome environment for campground guests to enjoy.
Pro: You already work well together. If you do decide you’re ready to start working as a couple, then being a couple already puts you at an advantage. When campground situations need to be responded to, guests are unhappy, or things are just getting overwhelming, you’ve got your partner by your side. You already have a connection with them and being able to have that when things get rough on the job is great.
Pro: Two heads are better than one. Things like frustrating responses or annoyed interactions happen and are by no means a solid representation of how you actually work together as a working couple. You know how the other one thinks and acts and can respond accordingly. You don’t have to take the time to get to know your coworker anymore because you live with them. You can put your skills together and make it work!
Pro: There are tons of work camping jobs for couples. I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll keep saying it! RV jobs, for couples, are a popular option. There are so many campgrounds hiring working couples. So, if you’ve weighed the pros and cons and have decided workamping as a couple is for you then it’s really just a matter of where, when, and how you want to work! First time looking for workamping jobs as a couple? Make sure to read Beginner Workamping Mistakes to make sure your search goes smoothly.
Pro: It’s a fantastic way to save money. Campground jobs for couples saves money. Workamping at a campground means you are already saving on costs for campsites. Check out Maximize Your Travels with Minimum Costs for more ways to save as a traveling couple.

Cons of Campsite Jobs for Couples
Con: You work with your partner… Not everyone is meant to work closely with the person they also share everything else with. Space is a good thing and if you’re already sharing a small space, sharing a job or workplace may not be ideal. Of course, this varies for anyone seeking RV jobs for couples, but it is a reality.
Con: You may not have the skills required. Being hired together for campsite jobs, for couples, means you will each have to bring your skills to the table. But what happens when one of you is great at housekeeping or maintenance while the other is a trained biologist with a passion for aquatic life? For anyone, work camping couples or otherwise, working at a campground or resort will require you to fit into a certain niche of job offerings. Here’s a link to some of the different types of workamping jobs so you can see what types of positions you can expect when being hired for jobs as a traveling couple.
Con: You’ll be judged as a couple. This is always a harsh one, but as many working couples know, things aren’t always sunshine with your partner. So, when things get a little tense working as a couple, you’re bringing that anxiety into your job too. Not only that, but depending on the campgrounds hiring workamping couples, you may be involving your coworkers too. Nothing like getting frustrated with your partner over the radio for everyone to witness. You’re bringing an intimate knowledge of each other that most coworkers don’t share and that will show through in your work as a work camping couple.
Con: You’ll both be expected to carry your weight. In most jobs, for couples, your relationship with your person has nothing to do with how you are received at your workplace. In fact, it has almost no relevance in most situations. But if you are working as a couple and one of you hates the job or is overall not very good at it, that will now affect your work too. I have seen this happen before where one part of the workamping couple was happy and helpful while their significant was less than impressed and often led the team to fall behind.
Work Camping Jobs for Couples: Camp Hosting

State Park Work Camping Jobs for Couples
State parks are notorious for having jobs for traveling couples or campsites jobs. For couples, this position is mostly offered on a volunteer basis. However, it truly is an abundant resource for working couples wanting to see the country. Here is a list of State Parks in the United States that welcome workampers!
- Camp Hosting Jobs in Georgia State Parks
- Camp Hosting in Texas State Parks
- Camp Hosting in Iowa State Parks
- Camp Hosting in Missouri State Parks
- Camp Hosting in Florida State Parks
- Camp Hosting in Utah State Parks
- Camp Hosting in Virginia State Parks
- Camp Hosting in New York State Parks
Amazon Work Camping Jobs for Couples with Camperforce
Amazon Camperforce is growing in popularity for those seeking campsite jobs for couples. You can really make some money with this warehouse workamping job. This is also an option for working couples that may not necessarily want to work right on top of each other.
These are big warehouses with multiple positions so you may work a day with limited contact with your partner. This may be a good option for couples who love their honey but also their space. Here is some more information on what it’s like to be an Amazon Camperforce workamping couple! Find everything you need to know about workcamping at Amazon in our Ultimate Guide to Amazon Camperforce: Amazon Jobs for RVers
Other Warehouse Jobs for Workamping Couples
DigiKey Workamping Jobs are located in Thief River Falls, MN just 70 miles south of the Canadian border and offers much for outdoor enthusiasts. Very close to the heart of lake county, you can make time to visit a few of the 10K lakes in the area!
They are the largest distributor of electronic components in the world, with over 4K in house employees. Many products are available for immediate shipment, meaning the orders are shipped out the same day.
Warehouse Jobs for RVers: for RVers finding a reliable work/camp relationship is important and that’s why warehouse work is a trusted way to make money on the road.

Other Notable Workamping Jobs For Couples
The Sugar Beet Harvest- an Unbeetable Experience: The annual Sugar Beet Harvest migration of RVers starts after the end of the Summer Camping season when Labor Day celebrations are just dwindling down.
The Sugar Beet Harvest occupies two main areas in the Midwest which include Sidney, Montana and the Red River Valley. Each season hundreds of working RVers flock to these areas for short-term adventures. And while each area does attract thousands of actual tourists each year- thats not the reason working RVers tend to come… (keep reading to learn more about this workamping job with BIG rewards)
Workamping for Rainier Guest Services: This program is championed by Rainier Guest Services, which operates several properties including the Jackson Visitor Center, National Park Inn and the Paradise Inn as a concessioner for the National Park Service with jobs available in food service, gift shops, lodging, and customer service!
Workamping at the Grand Canyon: Workamping for the Grand Canyon Conservancy means helping further their mission to preserve and enhance the Grand Canyon National Park! One they’ve taken seriously since 1932 and you can help contribute to your next workamping job this summer or next…
Volunteer Workamping Jobs For RVers: Employers from east to west and north to south welcome caravans of seasonal, part-time and full-time RVers to come stay and play at their business throughout the best seasons of the year, while we earn our keep and some cash for more travels down the road.

Other Jobs for Couples (Not involving work camping)
You may be surprised to learn that there are other jobs for couples out there that do not involve a campground. Jobs for couples come in all forms. So here is a small list of places that hire working couples.
Apartment Managers- Working couples are often hired to manage apartment complexes, handling resident concerns and taking care of maintenance schedules and rental deadlines.
Airbnb- This may be one of the most unique jobs for traveling couples as it will allow you to manage homes for guests all over the world.
Cabins and Vacation Homes- These jobs for couples will often require caring for cabins or yurts but with a Cabin Manager or Vacation Home caretaker you expand your chance to work as a couple. It also adds flexibility to your schedule as most rental homes are seasonal.
Campground- Caretaker jobs, for couples, is the best way to still be involved with the outdoors while you are working. As a couple, you will be asked to manage campsites and guests. Campsite jobs for couples are a great way to get outdoors if working at a BNB isn’t your thing.

So, grab your other half and hit the road! There are plenty of RV jobs for couples, as well as jobs for traveling couples and working couples. Working as a couple is an exciting way to get closer to your partner as you take on campground caretaker jobs or work for your campsite.
Jobs for couples are abundant especially when there are so many campgrounds hiring couples as a way to save on cost. For a couple, camping jobs can be a way to use their strengths and really showcase what it means to be a team!